Friday, May 2, 2014

Sonny Boy at the Zoo

For the first and likely last time in his life, Sonny Boy went to the zoo.

The emus weren't so sure
the monkey and wallabies couldn't care less
the baby goat was curious
the singing dogs were happy as can be
and the otters immediately spotted a friend who could rival them in playfulness.

Sonny Boy was so good.  He didn't bark at a thing...except for a fake cow.  Go figure.

Why it is a good idea to bring a dog to the zoo:  all of the animals come to see you.

Why it is not a good idea:  really, I can't think of anything.
(okay, except that technically it's not allowed, probably because at any moment there could be a zoo-wide freak-out of epic proportions.  However, our experience was mild and pleasant.)

*Note: Dogs are allowed at the park that surrounds the zoo, but we weren't sure if they were allowed in. With no sign indicating anything, we decided to wander through the big gates.  We made it around the whole zoo before any of the workers decided to mention something.  It was totally NBD, so please don't worry.

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